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Our School Eco-Code
Our Eco committee worked really hard to create this wonderful Eco Code together for our school. They then proudly shared it with the rest of the school in our last eco assembly and put it on display on their Eco board in the hall. It is a really thoughtful,...
Eco-activity updates
Last Friday, children from the eco team plus many other volunteers from across the school gave up their time at lunch time to help Mr Wolsey clear the area behind the bike shed. This was an area of school we identified in our Climate Survey before half term as a...
More Cross Country successes
Last week, it was the turn of year 4 to compete in their first heat and these three boys represented the school brilliantly. A huge well done must go to Jack who managed to come first out of all the runners! A huge achievement which secures him a place in the next...
Cross country heat 1
A huge well done to all the children that braved the horrible weather and very soggy field at Hart Field yesterday for the first heat of the cross country championship - we have not had the results through yet but we are super proud of you for representing the school...
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