Personal Development

Citizenship and development of character
Our ethos and values were written with these key elements of personal development in mind.
The majority of the non-statutory DfE guidelines for Citizenship are embedded within our PSHE curriculum. The elements that are not within our PSHE curriculum are as follows:

We cover these through assemblies, application of our relationship and behaviour policy, our No Outsiders curriculum and our fundraising opportunities across the year. We have also detailed where we cover all the British Values across the curriculum in our British Values policy – see section below for further details.
The citizenship guidelines also highlight the importance of speaking and listening skills being developed across the curriculum. We plan these opportunities into all subjects at the point that it is most relevant. We also have a bespoke AFJS Speaking and Listening curriculum in the planning stages to cement this learning further and ensure that all pupils leave with the ‘Learners for Life’ skill of being able to articulate their views and empathetically respond to the views of others.
Outside of lessons, we provide a wide range of other opportunities for pupils to speak in front of a wider and varied audience, including class assemblies, Christmas productions, celebration assemblies and providing tours of the school for visitors.
Wider Opportunities
At AFJS, we call these our ‘Farmers Forever’ moments – they are the things that we intend for children to always remember about their time here at Abbots Farm, their cherished memories that they will carry with them forever. Not only this, but they are chances for children to discover talents, try new things and enjoy their time as children.
Farmers Forever Moments for our current year groups so far this year…

Outside of the school day, we also offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for children to enjoy.
Spring term clubs 2025
Parents access these opportunities for their child(ren) through the school’s Arbor app.

Inclusion and Equality
Equality policy and objectives
Inclusion policy
No Outsiders

Protected Characteristics
The protected characteristics are

British Values and SMSC
SMSC stands for Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education. The teaching of SMSC and British Values is woven into our whole curriculum and we have detailed this in our British Values policy, which you can read below. We closely follow the recommendations from the DfE in their document ‘Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools‘