Eco-Committee Blog
Eco-Committee Blog

AFJS Takes Flight with the Big Birdwatch 2025!
We’re thrilled to announce that our school is taking part in the Big School Birdwatch again this year; a nationwide event that inspires children, families, and communities to connect with nature while helping to protect our precious wildlife. Introducing the Big...

Eco committee updates
Our eco-committee have been very busy already this term. Last week, they re-launched our AFJS book swap - click here to visit our Facebook page to find out more. This morning, a small group of pupils from the eco-committee did a fantastic job of helping Mr Wolsey to...

Meet our fabulous new Eco-Committee for 2024-25
Our new eco-committee have already been very busy under the excellent leadership of the year 6 pupils and particularly Anton. They have had 2 meetings already this year, started the soft plastics recycling campaign and promoted the RBC cable recycling challenge. They...

Our Eco-committee’s first ever newsletter!
Our eco-committee are continuing to do some great work this year and showing true leadership skills and passion for helping our environment. They have decided to start a newsletter to share ideas and events with you all as well as keep you all up-to-date with the...

A new apple tree
Our eco-committee have been busy again, this time with the help of some of their parents too. After winning a gardening gift voucher in last year's Rugby in Bloom competition, Anton, who is the most active member of the pupil team, suggested that we use it to buy an...

Eco-committee action
Over the past few weeks, the eco-committee have been very busy around school, digging, planting, litter picking and much more! One of our super-committed members, Anton, has designed a brilliant poster, which is now proudly display on our eco board in the hall....

Eco Committee Launch Hedgehog Friendly Schools campaign
Across the school all of us of very excited to be part of the @hedgehogsociety Hedgehog Friendly Schools Campaign. We hope to become a @hogfriendly school to help save hedgehogs from declining in population and to encourage them into our school grounds. #HogFriendly...

Idling engines campaign
With the help of Warwickshire County Council’s Road Safety Education Team, our Eco-committee have launched a campaign to improve the air quality around our...

What the Eco-Committee Have Been Up To Today…

Meet the Eco Committee
Here are our newly formed Eco-Committe, who met for the first time this week and started to put together an action plan for the school. They will be sharing more information with their year groups over the coming weeks as they start to put their plans into action....