School Meals
School Meals
As a school we a pleased to be able to offer a great variety of hot and cold meals for pupils, which are provided by our catering company Stir food, who we have been working in partnership with since April 2023. Please see the current menus below. All meals are pre-paid and pre-ordered by parents via the Stir Food Select website and can be ordered days, weeks or even months in advance. Children can also bring in a packed lunch if they would prefer.
To access the website for ordering, please click the button below.
The new menus are launching after February Half Term – here is sneak peek of what will be on offer….

Free School Meals
To support all our families in ensuring they get access to Free School Meals if or when they are eligible, even if that may only be for a short time, we ask that all families log into our FSM checking system. It enables us to pick up families that may not even realise their entitlement or those for whom a brief change in circumstances at some point during their time at our school means they are eligible. It also avoids the onerous forms that need to be completed by families if/when they think they are eligible as once your details are submitted, the system automatically checks for you every week. For this reason, even if you aren’t currently eligible and think you never will be, we still ask you to sign up.
- The system is fully supported by the DfE and fully GDPR compliant.
- School do not see any of your personal details, we only get notified if your child is to be added to the FSM list.
- The system automatically checks each week if you are entitled to FSM’s.
- Even if you are between jobs for a small amount of time, the system will pick it up and give you the entitlement.
- A free school meal pupil will be entitled to a free school meal every day, worth up to £437 per year per child.
- For each free school meal pupil a school has, school receive £1385 per year extra. Even if your child does not want the meal, school will still receive the extra funding of £1385.00.
- Once you have been awarded FSM you will stay on the list until your child leaves us in Year 6 even if your circumstances change.
- No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.
- Applying is easy!
To complete an application you will need to provide:
- Your own name and date of birth
- Contact details
- National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number
- Child’s name and date of birth
- School your child is attending/will attend.
Who is eligible for Free School Meals?
Free school meals are available to some children according to family income. Some children are entitled to Free School Meals if their parents, carers or guardians receive:
• Income Support; or
• Job Seeker’s Allowance (Income-Based); or
• State Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit); or
• Employment and Support Allowance (Income-Related); or
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or
• Child Tax Credit, as long as parents / carers do not receive Working Tax Credit and they have an annual taxable income as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs which does not exceed £16,190; or
• If they are entitled to a Working Tax Credit Run On for four weeks after stopping work or reducing working hours to less than 16 hours per week.
To find out if your child qualifies for free school meals, you can also:
• Call Warwickshire 01926 742060 or
• Call HMRC Tax Credit helpline (0845 300 3900) or
• Contact Turn2Us – a charitable service that helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other help.
If you have any general questions about free school meals, please ask us at the Office.
Nut Free School!
We are a nut free school! Please check that your child is not bringing nuts or items containing nuts into school in packed lunches or snacks.
Packed Lunches
Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch. This should be in a secure named container. A drink should be provided in a non-breakable container. Packed lunches are eaten in the main hall. No sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and water.
Breaktime Snacks
If they wish, your child may bring in a break time snack.
As a school that promotes healthy eating we have decided the following snacks are acceptable:
- a piece of fruit/vegetable,
- raisins or other dried fruits.
If providing grapes, please chop them in half (long ways) and place in a small container.
Snacks we consider unhealthy and therefore not acceptable at school are:
- chocolate
- crisps
- chocolate covered fruit
- cereal bars
- fruit snacks with excess sugar