On Wednesday 28th April, the Eco-Committee held a meeting to discuss our Eco-School’s action plan and share ideas. We decided on three main topics to work on: energy, biodiversity and litter.

Our aim with energy is to reduce the amount we use in school. We will have two monitors from each year who will measure the energy use month-on-month with an evaluation at the end.

For biodiversity, our aim is to increase plant and wildlife in school. We will assign monthly wildlife spotters who will monitor the increase in birds and insects. Another action that is already taking shape is tree planting. The Eco-Committe have ordered 30 tree saplings which will be planted and used to increase the size of our wild area. If Mr Issitt will let us, we plan to let the field grow instead of cutting it and maybe even get school chickens.

The aim with the litter topic is to cut down the amount of litter we produce at AFJS. The main problem we have with this is the amount of paper that we get through. We have enforced paper monitors to record the amount of paper weekly by emptying the bins and taking photos. The idea is to try and reduce the amount each week. We are also planning on adding an extra bin on the playground.