We have been working extremely hard at Abbots Farm to develop a positive reading culture and encourage the children to develop a love of reading. To continue that love of reading, Mrs Bostock is putting together an A-Z of authors to hopefully introduce children and their families to some lesser known writers and encourage our children to read a wider variety of books from different cultures and genres. Each week, we will share some information about the authors of the week on Seesaw as well as on our social media channels, including some of the books they have written and an extract from one of their books for you to share together. We will also be sharing some similar authors too to help children find other similar books to read next.
We would love to hear from any families who decide to explore some of these new authors and if you have discovered a new author recently, please come and tell us about them too or share a review on Seesaw. We are excited to work together to expand the reading journey of our children here at Abbots Farm.
Here is the letter A to get you started! Have fun reading!