These certificates are presented every half term and there is one winner in every class, chosen by the class teacher. As the name suggests, this award goes to children that go ‘over and above’ to be a fabulous Abbots ‘Farmer Forever’ and a wonderful ‘Learner for Life’. A common theme in this half term’s awards was children that help others and also children that are resilient when their learning gets tricky and keep trying so that they learn something new!
Here are this half term’s winners!
This term, for the very first time, we also held staff nominations, which the children submitted. The winners this term were…..Miss Neel and Miss Wood. The children chose Miss Neel because they said she is always there for them, no matter what and helps them to solve problems and they chose Miss Wood for looking after people and for some year 6 children, she was the one that helped them overcome their fears at Condover. They also mentioned the support she shows for football clubs and swimming lessons.