Y5: Our first full week!

Y5: Our first full week!

Over the past 2 weeks, children have settled in well to Year 5, producing some excellent work. Well done Year 5! In English, everyone has made a great start to their English work based on ‘The Day the Crayons Quit,’ creating placards to protest for crayon rights. In...
Y6 leavers

Y6 leavers

Despite the rain and COVID-19, we had a lovely last day with the year 6s and sent them off in true Farmers style with a visit from the ice cream man, a BBQ and a disco on the playground followed by a countdown, confetti cannons and quite a few tears! Well done year 6...
Y6 Sports Morning

Y6 Sports Morning

Due to the restrictions in place, we were unable to come together as a whole school and invite our families to join us for sports day this year but we did hold a great Y6 sports morning instead, similar to the potted sports afternoon and great (socially distanced) fun...
Y6 awards

Y6 awards

Despite the unusual circumstances this year, we still managed to present end of year awards to our year 6 leavers in a socially distanced way with everyone spread out on the field in their bubbles. Luckily we just got everything done before the rain came too! Huge...
Congratulations Hugo!

Congratulations Hugo!

During lockdown, many of our pupils have been taking part in the Virtual School Games challenges from home and we are 2nd on the leaderboard for Warwickshire at present. We also found out this week that one of our pupils, Hugo, was awarded the School Games Values...