Another great week in Year 5!

Another great week in Year 5!

Well done Year 5 with lots of fabulous learning taking place over the past few weeks.  They have all worked really hard to research a rainforest animal to an expert level and are currently using their notes to write their information texts.  This week, they have also...
Learners of the week!

Learners of the week!

It’s that time of the week again where we reflect on all the great things our pupils have achieved this week and proudly celebrate our ‘Learners of the week’. Huge congratulations also go to Eagles house who have taken the early lead in the house points...
Healthy bodies and minds

Healthy bodies and minds

As year groups are finishing their ‘Protective Behaviours’ work, they are going to start work on our ‘Feelings and Emotions’ units of work in PSHE, which ties in perfectly with one of our school values, ‘Healthy Bodies and Minds’....
Learners of the week!

Learners of the week!

It has been another great week at Abbots Farm with lots more exciting things and great learning rippling around the school building. We are all super proud of each and every pupil and their efforts even as the tiredness of being back at school is creeping in. An extra...
Another great week in Year 5!

Another great week in Year 5!

Last week, the  children continued to produce some excellent work in Year 5 and their teachers are very proud of them. In English, they have been planning and writing persuasive letters as a variety of different coloured crayons based on the book ‘The Day the...
Learners of the week!

Learners of the week!

This year we have changed our Learner of the Week certificates to focus specifically on our school values of Ambitious    Healthy Body and Mind     Reflective      Resilient Congratulations to all of the Learners of the Week from Friday who had the honour of being the...