Awards & Celebrations

Awards & Celebrations

We got SILVER!

We got SILVER!

We are very excited to announce that we have been awarded the SILVER School Games Mark for all the hard work and engagement from staff and pupils here at Abbots Farm Junior School. A special thanks to Mrs Beech for her hard work organising so many great opportunities...

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Christmas Art Competition

Christmas Art Competition

A huge thank you and well done to all the Christmas art competition entrants. There were so many great pieces of art to choose from that the House Captains and House Ambassadors had a tricky job to judge the winners. However, they did finally come to a decision -...

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Christmas Art Competition

Christmas Art Competition

Well done to everyone that entered this year's Christmas Art Competition and a very special well done to our winners: Isabelle Hedgecock (B3) Lauren Rogers (B4) Karina Pallosi (R5) Freya Grover (R5) Here is another wonderful gallery of all your entries that Miss...

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Remembrance Day Art

Remembrance Day Art

On Thursday 11th November, at 11am, the pupils and adults at Abbots Farm stood silently as a mark of respect to all those who have fallen in wars. The children did us super proud and showed a great deal of respect which was lovely to see. Another way we marked...

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Learners of the week!

Learners of the week!

As we move ever-closer to half term the children are still going strong and working hard across school. Well done to everyone that has worked hard on their assessments this week and for all the other super work that has been going on in every year group. We have been...

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