

As a school, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs to promote pupils’ development. School staff and external agencies continue to provide a vast array of both sporting and non-sporting opportinuties at different times of the day (before and after school, during breaks and lunchtimes).

Over the past two years we have offered the following:

Sporting – archery, football, tennis, American football, tri-golf, netball, basketball, frisbee, hockey, tag rugby, athletics, rounders, cross country

Non-sporting – art, cookery, drama, Lego, digital leaders (iPads), eco-club, science, sewing, dance (street dance, Irish dancing), singing/young voices, street surfing, circus skills, film

If your child is interested in finding a new passion, or indeed wishes to pursue a current interest with us further, please encourage them to get involved with our clubs programme.

Club lists are shared at the start of every term and we hope there is something for everyone! You can also see the clubs that are taking place this term on our school calendar.