Another great week in Year 5!

Another great week in Year 5!

Last week, the  children continued to produce some excellent work in Year 5 and their teachers are very proud of them. In English, they have been planning and writing persuasive letters as a variety of different coloured crayons based on the book ‘The Day the...
Learners of the week!

Learners of the week!

This year we have changed our Learner of the Week certificates to focus specifically on our school values of Ambitious    Healthy Body and Mind     Reflective      Resilient Congratulations to all of the Learners of the Week from Friday who had the honour of being the...
Y3: welcome to the family

Y3: welcome to the family

From all of the Year 3 team, we wanted to say a big, warm welcome to all of the children in Wren and Goldcrest. It has truly been a pleasure for all of the teachers to meet their new classes and get to know each and every person. We have definitely had a fantastic...
Y4: Happy, smiling faces all round!

Y4: Happy, smiling faces all round!

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder! That has certainly been evident in Y4 since the children arrived back at school last week. Happy smiling faces, excitement and eagerness to learn have been the main ingredients of our first 7 days back at school. Week...
Y6: What a great start!

Y6: What a great start!

A huge well done to all of year 6 for making a great start to the new school year! The children have been working super hard this week to get ‘back into the swing’ of school life and it is like they have never been away! We have been making the most of the...