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Today is the day for dancing

There were lots of sleepy heads appearing for breakfast this morning but they all managed to wake up and tackle their next challenges this morning. All groups are doing the Dance Mania workshop today in preparation for the silent disco this evening. It is also the...

Day 3 morning activities

Day 3 morning activities

This morning, the majority of the groups have spent most of their time down at the climbing area, tackling abseiling, the gladiator wall and the climbing wall. Lots of children have also really enjoyed buggy building and finally, after a nerve wracking few minutes at...

The first evening at Condover

The first evening at Condover

Year 6 have had a great first activity today with many of them already tackling the heights of the gladiator wall and aerial trek. We then finished off the evening with some songs and stories round the camp fire. The children are now settling down in their dorms and...

Harvest Festival Foodbank donations

Harvest Festival Foodbank donations

A really huge thank you to everyone who donated something to our Harvest Festival appeal for Rugby Foodbank today. We have filled 15 huge bags with lots of essential items that will help families across the town. An extra special thank you to the Y6 children who...

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

Since coming back to school, the children have been learning about Harvest Festival in assemblies and today, we started learning some songs ready for our celebration assembly next week when the children will be bringing in donations for Rugby Foodbank. Some of the...

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