Congratulations Indie!

Congratulations Indie!

We love hearing about pupil achievements outside of school and over half term, one of our Year 6...

Y6 Sportshall Athletics

Y6 Sportshall Athletics

Yesterday a group of Year 6’s went to Harris Sports Centre to compete in the Sportshall Athletics...

Y4 Sportshall athletics

Y4 Sportshall athletics

A huge congratulations to our Year 4 children that competed in the Sportshall athletics...

AFJS Football Team

AFJS Football Team

The AFJS football team have made a great start to the season, playing well and representing our...

AFJS PE Policy

AFJS evidencing the impact of the Sports Premium spend 2023

AFJS SSP Breakdown of PE and Sports Premium Spend 2023

Swimming data for 2022-23

AFJS PE and Sport Premium 2021-22

AFJS SSP subscription breakdown 2021-22

AFJS PE and Sport Premium 2020-21