Life in Year 4
Life in Year 4
More Cross Country successes
Last week, it was the turn of year 4 to compete in their first heat and these three boys represented the school brilliantly. A huge well done must go to Jack who managed to come first out of all the runners! A huge achievement which secures him a place in the next...
Speed stacking final in Coventry for our y3/4 team
The y3/4 speed stackers attended the level 3 competition this week after their victory at the level 2 competition at Harris earlier in the month. They were brilliantly behaved and represented our school as the FABULOUS FARMERS they are! They also learnt some new games...
Diwali Day!
We celebrated Diwali today! The children have been incredibly busy and engrossed in lots of activities and learning all about this important festival. Year 3 and year 6 created diya lamps from clay and all year groups have been busy creating Rangoli patterns using...
A true Learner for Life, Farmer Forever!
We are really proud of one of our pupils Nitika, who has designed and printed her own Christmas cards this year. Last Sunday, she sold them in the young entrepreneurs section at the Christmas market in Rugby and her total sales (incl orders) was £50. Not only are we...
James Brunt artist day
Today we welcomed James Brunt into school, who is a natural artist - someone who makes art using natural materials in the natural environment. We were very excited to bring some art to our forest school area and each class had a slot to go out and work with James and...
Young Voices 2024-25
The AFJS choir had another great day and night to remember at the BP Pulse Live Arena in Birmingham last week at the YOUNG VOICES CONCERT! This event was fabulous as always! Such an exciting event that the children really enjoy, as do the staff! 🙂 We learnt a wide...
AFJS Takes Flight with the Big Birdwatch 2025!
We’re thrilled to announce that our school is taking part in the Big School Birdwatch again this year; a nationwide event that inspires children, families, and communities to connect with nature while helping to protect our precious wildlife. Introducing the Big...
Year 4 maths meeting
Thank you to all the parents who attended our year 4 maths meeting last night to fin dout more about how you can help your child learn their times tables, which are the foundations of a successful mathematician, and also to prepare them to take the year 4...
Y4 Sportshall athletics
A huge congratulations to our Year 4 children that competed in the Sportshall athletics competition at Harris School yesterday. They had a great time, showed excellent behaviour and sportsmanship and to top it all off, the came SECOND! Well done to you all and thank...
Young Voices 2023
As always, the Young Voices concert was a wonderful experience for all involved! Staff and pupils alike all had a great time and not only enjoyed singing and dancing the night away but also enjoyed performances from many talented musicians, including Heather Small...