Year 6

Year 6





















Welcome to Year 6! You have made it to your very last year as a Farmer and the one where you make your final memories to take with you to secondary school as a true ‘Farmer Forever’. There are so many exciting opportunities across the year both for you to engage with the curriculum and also celebrate all of your time at our school before you move on to new adventures. This year, you get the honouor of being able to apply for the ‘House Captain’ role and represent your house across the whole school. There are also other responsibilities for you to take on such as ‘Digital Leaders’ and ‘Play Leaders’.

In year 6, you will recap all areas of maths that you have covered throughout school to ensure you are confident in all the key skills and then develop them further ready for secondary school as well as tackling some new maths concepts such as ratio and algebra. English topics in year 6 include Beowulf, the Princess’ Blankets and lots of writing linked to the World War 2 topic in the Spring term.  In addition to the WW2 topic, you will also learn about life on the islands of Hawaii including tourism, volcanic activity and the evolution of species that can only be found on these islands and the reasons why. Take a look in the Curriculum Overview section below to see what other exciting lessons there might be for you to look forward to.

In the other section below, you and your parents will be able to find information about your home learning too.

Make sure you come back to this page regularly to check in the Life in Year 6 section too. In here, you will be able to see pictures from different events that take place over the year – super memories to share with all your families about life as a Farmer!

Curriculum Overview

Life in Year 6

Home Learning