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Y4’s visit to the Lego exhibition and animation workshop at Rugby Art Gallery
On Thursday 13th January Year 4 went on a trip to the Rugby Art Gallery, library and Information Centre. Robin’s trip was first and then Sparrow’s. Both classes enjoyed the iPads that our instructors Penny & Jean allowed us to make some Lego stop animation movies...
Year 6’s autumn term art learning journey
Miss Trainer has put together a video showing off all the different art skills that Y6 learnt, practised and put into their own compositions last term. Well done Year 6, there is some super progress going on and it looks like you have really enjoyed exploring your...
Y6 art
Year 6 have been looking at the work of a WW2 artist named Ronald Searle and investigating the different types of mark making he uses in his work. Take a look at some of their work in this video
Y5 art
Year 5 have really been impressing us with their mark making skills and their watercolour painting so far this term. Click on this link to see what they have been up to
Y4 art
Here is a video to share Y4's art learning with you this week as they start their new topic for this term linked to the Ancient Egyptians
Y3 art
Click on this link to have a look at a video of what Y3 have been up to in their new art project this week
Christmas art competition
As always, we were blown away by all the entries to the Christmas art competition this year! Well done to all of you! Miss Trainer has put together a virtual art gallery of all your entries - take a look and see if you can spot yours!
Y3 & 4’s Christmas visit to the church
On the morning of Monday 13th December Year 3 and 4 walked to St John’s church to take part in their Christmas experience. When we arrived we were all very excited. To begin with, we watched a short clip about how Christmas started. After that we split into four...
When the Vikings came to AFJS…
On the 26th of November, Vikings came to our school to teach us all about themselves and their life. At first, they took us down to the hall and showed us how Viking families worked, about slaves and food. We made Viking families with mums, dads and children. There...
Congratulations Isaac
We were very proud to hear a story about a former Farmer just before half term. Isaac Allaby has recently attained his first Dan black belt in taekwon-do and he also helps teach a weekly class. Huge congratulations Isaac from all of us here at AFJS and keep up the...
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