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Art Club

Art Club

                                          This week saw the first gathering of the year 6 art club and we had a really fun first session learning to...

Boxing Club

Boxing Club

The year 6 children had a great first Box Fit session this week as our after school activity clubs finally re-started. There are still places available at this club if you would like to join - see Mrs Beech for more details. 

Blast Off For Science week

Blast Off For Science week

This week, the children in year 6 have finally had the chance to launch their rockets that they designed as part of our whole school space-themed Science Week just before Easter. This year's theme for British Science Week was 'Innovation' and children learnt about...

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has well and truly arrived at Abbots Farm Junior School this week as lots of our children have been getting green fingered. We have got our new greenhouse built and it is already being filled with lots of seedlings, especially with Year 3 starting their new...

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

This week in school, we have been talking about Neurodiversity in our lessons and assemblies. Children have been learning about how everyone has a differently-wired brain and their own unique way of thinking and experiencing the world. Neurodiversity Celebration Week...

Christmas Art Competition

Christmas Art Competition

Well done to everyone that entered this year's Christmas Art Competition and a very special well done to our winners: Isabelle Hedgecock (B3) Lauren Rogers (B4) Karina Pallosi (R5) Freya Grover (R5) Here is another wonderful gallery of all your entries that Miss...

Stone Age Art – Y3

Stone Age Art – Y3

This term, Year 3 have been busy learning about the Stone Age as their first ever topic at AFJS. For their art, they learnt about Cave Art and how it was used as a method of communication in the Stone Age. They used their sketchbooks to practice drawing in the same...

Y6 DT project

Y6 DT project

It has been like Santa's workshop in Year 6 over the last couple of weeks as the children have been busy designing and making their own Christmas story books for younger children with different moving mechanisms. The final products are really incredible and we wish we...

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