Year 3
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 – your very first year here with us at Abbots Farm! We hope it will be an exciting year for you and you will start to build some of your ‘Farmers Forever’ memories that you will remember for many years to come.
In Year 3, we do lots of work to help you settle into life at Abbots Farm and to help you get to know your class and all the staff better. One of the first things you will will find out about is our school houses and each one of you will become either an Eagle, Kestrel or Osprey – this will be your house for your whole time as a Farmer and you will compete in competitions across the year with other children from your house and share learning days together. Maybe you might even like to try our for the position of House Ambassador for Year 3 and get the chance to have your say in the way school runs and be the voice of your fellow classmates.
You will also be introduced to two very important things when you start in Year 3: our school values of Ambition, Healthy Body and Mind, Reflectiveness and Resilience and our three simple school rules:
- We are safe
- We are respectful
- We always try our best
As well as all of this, there are lots of new maths skills to learn, exciting English units to discover and some really great wider curriculum topics where you will find out about many historical periods from the Stone Age through to the Romans before heading a little closer to home to find out more about our wonderful town of Rugby and what makes it so special. There is also a brand new topic about food and farming for this year called ‘Food for Thought’. Take a look in the ‘Curriculum Overview‘ section below to see what other exciting lessons there might be for you to look forward to.
In the other section below, you and your parents will be able to find information about your home learning too.
Make sure you come back to this page regularly to check in the ‘Life in Year 3‘ section too. In here, you will be able to see pictures from different events that take place over the year – super memories from your first year as a Farmer!

Curriculum Overview

Life in Year 3