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When the Vikings came to AFJS…

When the Vikings came to AFJS…

On the 26th of November, Vikings came to our school to teach us all about themselves and their life. At first, they took us down to the hall and showed us how Viking families worked, about slaves and food. We made Viking families with mums, dads and children. There...

Congratulations Isaac

Congratulations Isaac

We were very proud to hear a story about a former Farmer just before half term. Isaac Allaby has recently attained his first Dan black belt in taekwon-do and he also helps teach a weekly class. Huge congratulations Isaac from all of us here at AFJS and keep up the...

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

This week, the children have been learning about Remembrance Day, what remembrance means to different people and the different signs, symbols and customs associated with remembrance around the world. Today, we marked the occasion with a 2 minute silence at 11am. Some...

Our very first term as Farmers!

Our very first term as Farmers!

Wow! What a first half term our Year 3’s have had. Both classes have settled into Farmer life perfectly and are embracing all the challenges we throw at them. In English, we have been reading Meerkat Mail and have written some lovely postcards based on our perfect day...

Greek Day in Y5!

Greek Day in Y5!

Year 5 had an incredible day on Thursday when they spent the whole day learning about Ancient Greece. The day began by immersing themselves in the geography and the culture of this incredible empire, learning about the cities and states, how they traded and made money...

Y6 Magistrates Sessions

Y6 Magistrates Sessions

Year 6 have really enjoyed sessions with local magistrates recently learning about the rules of law and how the police and the courts are there to help uphold these rules. They then took part in a mock trial and heard the case for and against a young person accused of...

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