Life in Year 6
Life in Year 6
Boxing Club
The year 6 children had a great first Box Fit session this week as our after school activity clubs finally re-started. There are still places available at this club if you would like to join - see Mrs Beech for more details.
Blast Off For Science week
This week, the children in year 6 have finally had the chance to launch their rockets that they designed as part of our whole school space-themed Science Week just before Easter. This year's theme for British Science Week was 'Innovation' and children learnt about...
Y6 DT project
It has been like Santa's workshop in Year 6 over the last couple of weeks as the children have been busy designing and making their own Christmas story books for younger children with different moving mechanisms. The final products are really incredible and we wish we...
Y6: What a great start!
A huge well done to all of year 6 for making a great start to the new school year! The children have been working super hard this week to get 'back into the swing' of school life and it is like they have never been away! We have been making the most of the sunshine...
Y6 leavers
Despite the rain and COVID-19, we had a lovely last day with the year 6s and sent them off in true Farmers style with a visit from the ice cream man, a BBQ and a disco on the playground followed by a countdown, confetti cannons and quite a few tears! Well done year 6...
Y6 Sports Morning
Due to the restrictions in place, we were unable to come together as a whole school and invite our families to join us for sports day this year but we did hold a great Y6 sports morning instead, similar to the potted sports afternoon and great (socially distanced) fun...
Y6 awards
Despite the unusual circumstances this year, we still managed to present end of year awards to our year 6 leavers in a socially distanced way with everyone spread out on the field in their bubbles. Luckily we just got everything done before the rain came too! Huge...
Trip to Coventry
Year 6 went on a trip to Coventry to find out about how the Blitz affected our local area. We visited the transport museum and the cathedral, where we saw the remains of the old cathedral that survived the Blitz as well as the new cathedral that has been built alongside the ruins.