Life in Year 4

Life in Year 4

Easter visit to the church

Easter visit to the church

On Thursday, Year 4 went on a walk to St. John the Baptist Church.  We did 5 different activities after watching a video retelling the Easter story. One activity involved making things out of play-doh that help us when we are alone.  The next activity involved sharing...

Y4 art

Y4 art

Here is a video to share Y4's art learning with you this week as they start their new topic for this term linked to the Ancient Egyptians

When the Vikings came to AFJS…

When the Vikings came to AFJS…

On the 26th of November, Vikings came to our school to teach us all about themselves and their life. At first, they took us down to the hall and showed us how Viking families worked, about slaves and food. We made Viking families with mums, dads and children. There...

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

This week, the children have been learning about Remembrance Day, what remembrance means to different people and the different signs, symbols and customs associated with remembrance around the world. Today, we marked the occasion with a 2 minute silence at 11am. Some...